Our Three Fold Ministry

1. Evangelism
Our Principal Methods- WEGOTOTHEM We are committed to taking the message of Christ to any place in India where there is an existing crowed; such as a market place, bus- station, street corner, school, college or hospital or where there is the potential of attracting one; such as a village, town square or park and seeking to gain an audience for the presentation of the Gospel

2. Training Unit
Students come different parts India mainly from Northern Parts of India. Students from poor families of first generation Christina and Tribal group families and other deserving groups get liberal Scholarship up to 100% As on April 2016, 1696 were graduated from Lamb’s Institute from different Level.

3. Encouraging Equipping and Empowering the Persecuted Christian holistically
>> Where ever the Children of God facing suffering, persecution in major way or in lesser way India Field Evangelism our ministry organization makes every effort to visit the area to meet Where ever possible India Field Evangelism encouraging the suffering body of Christ with word of encouragements and also with material to their immediate needs.
>>We take earnest efforts to help whenever the Children of God are affected by the Natural calamities like cyclone Tsunami or Floods or fire accidents.
India Field Evangelism extents legal aids whenever and wherever our service is required. We also conduct- Legal Said Seminars to equip the local Pastors and Lay leaders so that they can take necessary action legally when people from other faiths involve in opposing or preventing the Church activities with motive of suppressing Evangelism or other connected activities.